America officially has One Direction fever – album release date pulled forward!

Try not to panic One Direction fans – but we could lose our boys their US fans. America is OFFICALLY nutty for 1D! *hyperventilates into a paper bag*
Our American cousins love the What Makes You Beautiful singers so much that the release date for their debut album has now been pulled forward by a week, and will be available in the US from 13 March.

Click here to watch the video

The boys were besieged by fans during their recent Stateside trip – with around 200 screaming girls waiting for the them outside their hotel. Super-keen (and presumably well off) fans also booked out empty rooms at the boys’ LA hotel in an effort to get even closer to them. Meanwhile, devoted fans spent over 12 hours waiting for the Harrym Zayn, Louis, Liam and Niall outside the iCarly set where the boys were filming a cameo appearance. That is dedication for you.

One Direction will leave us again in February when they join Big Time Rush on their Better With U tour. But, the X Factor boy band aren’t the only UK group doing well in the US, The Wanted have started to make waves in the States – and they’ve already sneaked in a appearance on Ellen DeGeneres' show.
At this rate, there’ll be no boy bands left for us!

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